Tuesday, December 4, 2007

B&W Cement Shoes, Gorilla Claw, Pinocchio

Tons of finishes. I'll do it in two posts. One Black and White and one for Degree Project.
Here's the finish for the scratchboard for the hypothetical book called If The Cement Shoe Fits

If The Cement Shoe Fits- Scratchboard
November 2007

And here's the finished Gorilla Unexpected piece.

Gorilla Claw Machine- Block Print and gouache
November 2007

And for your viewing pleasure, a close-up!

And here's a touched up version of a piece I did at the beginning of the semester.
We had to do a pen nib and ink children's book illustration. I chose to do a scene from the original Pinocchio story. I tried a lot of techniques I was unfamiliar with so I wouldn't mind redoing it and making it more unified.

Pinocchio- Ink
September 2007

1 comment:


the Pinocchio piece is amazing!